
Pouria Akbarighatar

  • Visiting PhD Researcher
  • University of Agder, Norway

Pouria Akbarighatar is a visiting researcher in CIRES from October to December 2024 hosted by CIRES Chief Investigator, Dr Ida Asadi-Someh. His research project will explore Responsible AI (RAI) frameworks. Pouria is a Ph.D. research fellow in Responsible Data Science at the Information Systems Department, University of Agder, Norway, supervised by Professor Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou. His visit is also supported by the University of Agder.

Pouria received a BSc degree in Industrial Engineering from the Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, and an MSc degree in Information Systems from the University of Tehran. Prior to the University of Agder, Pouria was a data analyst at the MCI, Iran (the most prominent mobile operator in the Middle East and Iran with more than 45 million subscriptions). He has published in high-quality journals, including Experts Systems with Applications and Decision support systems, and led IS conferences, including ECIS, AMCIS, and PACIS.

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