
Best Paper Award ICTIR 2023

Congratulations to CIRES Chief Investigator Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini and fellow authors who received the Best Paper Award for their work “Perspectives on Large Language Models for Relevance Judgment” The work is the result of an international collaboration between researchers in Italy, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, and Japan, who highlight the risks and […]

Congratulations to CIRES Chief Investigator Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini and fellow authors who received the Best Paper Award for their work “Perspectives on Large Language Models for Relevance Judgment”

The work is the result of an international collaboration between researchers in Italy, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, and Japan, who highlight the risks and opportunities of large language models and their impact on information retrieval research. The award was given by a committee of information retrieval experts at the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery‘s SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval in Taipei last week.

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