Visitor & Exchange Programs
CIRES welcomes visitors from academia, industry professionals, and students to spend time working with Centre researchers and be based at either The University of Queensland (Brisbane) or Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne).
CIRES welcomes visitors from academia, industry professionals, and students to spend time working with Centre researchers and be based at either The University of Queensland (Brisbane) or Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne).
Visiting Students Scheme
The CIRES Visiting Student Scheme supports high calibre research students to spend 8-12 weeks working with Centre researchers to conduct joint research work on areas of mutual interest.
Successful applicants will be based at the Centre Headquarters at The University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane and will be provided with funding support via a lump sum to partially cover living costs and return airfares to Brisbane. The scheme is primarily intended for PhD students who have already passed their Qualification Exam at their respective university, however we may also accept Masters or Bachelor students who can demonstrate strong research and development expertise to the assessment panel.
Your main research expertise should generally fit in the area of data science and in particular should align with the research specialisations of the CIRES centre investigators at UQ as well as with the interests of centre industry and government partners. You can view our current partners and projects here.
CIRES will offer funding of:
- AUD $5,000 for an 8-week visit, or
- AUD $6,000 for a 12-week visit
Application deadlines for 2025
Three rounds will be offered in 2025.
March 22, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.- June 22, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.
- September 22, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.
Application materials
The student should provide the following, sent as one PDF file to the contact address (below):
A 1-2 page research proposal (in line with the proposed duration of stay), including clearly planned outcomes.
- Please indicate the linkage between the proposal and the research conducted by one or more members of CIRES.
- The proposed research should be of high quality, for example something that could be published at a top conference or journal
A 1-2 page CV highlighting key achievements, plus a full publications list (for journal papers, please indicate the impact factor; for conference papers, please refer to http://portal.core.edu.au/conf-ranks/ to find the rank of the conference, if available).
Evidence that you have contacted at least one CIRES Chief Investigator and obtained their agreement to be your potential supervisor during your visit. Your research proposal should be reviewed and agreed by your potential local supervisor before submitting your application.
A draft budget of the expected costs and required funding.
Separately, as a final step the student’s supervisor must provide a letter of support, emailed directly to the contact address (below), including details of the provided co-funding. Please note that an application will not be considered complete until such a letter is received.
Review process CIRES will form a review panel and aim to provide a decision within 14 business days (unless specified otherwise).
Get in touch
All information should be sent in an email with the subject “CIRES Visiting Student Scheme” to cires@uq.edu.au, copied to the proposed UQ-based collaborator and the student’s supervisor.
Visiting Academics
A Visiting Academic is an employee of an overseas institution who arranges to visit the Centre nodes of UQ or Swinburne, for a duration of at least four weeks. The intention of the visit is to contribute to and share research knowledge, through collaborative involvement in a research project. During the visit, the visitor will have the opportunity to connect with CIRES researchers including partners, and participate in the Centre’s activities including reading groups, events, meetings, and workshops.
Visting Academics will be supported with:
- Connection to the Centre researchers and partners and the opportunity to participate in Centre’s research program and activities
- A University identification card, IT logins and an email account
- Access to University facilities including the library
- Shared office space
Get in touch
To discuss a potential visit to CIRES, please connect with one of the Centre’s Chief Investigators at The University of Queensland or Swinburne University of Technology.
Professional sabbaticals
We invite professionals in industry and government organisations outside the university sector to spend time collaborating with Centre researchers and be based at the Centre Headquarters at UQ in Brisbane. The timing and duration of a professional sabbatical with CIRES can be flexible to align with your organisation’s leave or sabbatical scheme. There are two key components for the sabbatical program.
- Co-design a specific project of mutual interest that aligns with our research program to address a real-world challenge you are facing in your role or organisation
- Undertake professional development and upskilling by participating in the Centre’s Information Resilience Training Program
- Contributing to the Centre’s activities through a workshop, talk, or mentoring Early Career Researchers
Visiting Professionals will be supported with:
- Connection to the Centre researchers and partners and the opportunity to participate in Centre’s research program and activities
- A University identification card, IT logins and an email account
- Access to University facilities including the library
- Shared office space
Get in touch
To discuss a potential research project, and other opportunities for a sabbatical, please get in touch. You can reach our team at The University of Queensland (Brisbane) and Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne) via email to cires@uq.edu.au
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