
Panel: Empowering Learners for the Age of AI

Invitation to join Prof Shazia Sadiq for a discussion on the effective use of educational data.


7 December, 2021


Invitation to join Prof Shazia Sadiq for a discussion on the effective use of educational data. The panel will highlight the challenges and opportunities for unlocking education data for students, teachers, institutes and government to make timely and informed decisions during the learning process.

Empowering Learners for the Age of AI is a free, international online conference, aiming to engage productively with societal infrastructure powered by data, analytics and AI.

  • What’s actually happening with AI and how is it changing classrooms, teaching, and learning?
  • How can data, analytics and AI be used not to disempower or automate work, but to empower learners and professionals?
  • How must  modern knowledge systems (such as schools, universities, corporate training and development, government agencies) change to prepare people for an AI society?
  • How to track and assess the qualities that equip people for this future?
  • What will the learning ecosystem look like by 2030 and what might humans and AI collaborate in solving complex problems?
  • Share the opportunities and concerns that you see: this is just the conversation starter!

Check this link to see the national team of organisers representing leading researchers in the role of data, analytics and AI in learning, to empower both learners and teachers.

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