Seminar: Investigating Data Value Creation in Organizations
Speaker: Daisy Xu. My research aims to offer insights into different roles data play in contemporary organizations and identify how organizations can strategically enhance their data reuse and repurposing, ultimately generating higher returns from their data assets.
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Please join us for CIRES HDR, Daisy Xu’s, Second Year Progress Review (mid-candidature milestone) seminar.
Investigating Data Value Creation in Organizations
Speaker: Daisy Xu, CIRES PhD Scholar
Organizations today face significant challenges in unlocking the value of their data assets. While the literature underscores the various roles that data play within organizations and their potential to meet a diverse array of business needs, the current state of data use is often constrained by an ad hoc, non-systematic approach. Unfortunately, many data initiatives within organizations frequently fall short of laying the groundwork for future uses, thus limiting the ways data contribute to their business performance.
This draft thesis features three essays in development that constitute an integrative and multi-perspective investigation of data value creation in organizations. My proposed research builds upon diverse bodies of literature in Information Systems (IS), aiming to offer insights into different roles data play in contemporary organizations and identify how organizations can strategically enhance their data reuse and repurposing, ultimately generating higher returns from their data assets.
We propose a twofold research contribution. First, while data value has been widely recognized, there are currently limited studies considering its creation in the context of reuse and repurposing. We introduce this new setting of capturing value from organizational data and consider it a pivotal aspect of many academic discussions. It directly ties into the key pillars of data democratization and actively participates in the developing discourse of data liquidity and data commodity. Second, our proposed research findings contribute to the literature by presenting key mechanisms that effectively foster data reuse and repurposing both within and across organizations. Together, these mechanisms form an integrated framework that not only addresses the specific challenges of democratizing data within organizations but also offers practical strategies for organizations to unlock the economic potential of their data assets.
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