Promotion Congratulations to Prof Gianluca Demartini

Congratulations to our CIRES Chief Investigator Gianluca Demartini on his promotion to Professor at The University of Queensland!

Gianluca says: “I’m happy to share that I have been promoted to Professor at The University of Queensland. I have worked at UQ for 7 years (it’s the place I’ve worked the longest in my career!) and have been promoted twice since I joined. Thanks to all my PhD students and postdocs that over the years made this possible. Thanks also to all my mentors within UQ and beyond for all their amazing advice and support! Looking forward to the next challenge!”

Promotion Congratulations to A/Prof Ida Asadi Someh

Congratulations to our CIRES Chief Investigator Ida Asadi Someh on her promotion to Associate Professor at The University of Queensland!

Ida says: “I’m happy to share that I have been promoted to Associate Professor at The University of Queensland! While I’ve been fortunate to have a fantastic network supporting and cheering me on, I want to give a special shout-out to three extraordinary women who have been instrumental in this stage of my career: Barb Wixom, Marta Indulska, and Shazia Sadiq. Your guidance, mentorship, and friendship have been invaluable. You’ve helped me become a better researcher, a stronger leader, and a more well-rounded person and mother. Thank you for championing my growth and helping me navigate the complexities of this demanding career path. I am truly indebted to you!”

Welcome to visiting PhD researcher, Simon Meier

We are pleased to welcome Simon Meier to CIRES! Simon is a visiting PhD researcher from the University of Koblenz, Germany, from December 2024 to March 2025.

Simon is a research associate in the Business Application Systems research group at the University of Koblenz, Germany under the direction of Professor Dr. Petra Schubert since January 2022. Prior to this, he studied Business Informatics for his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Koblenz, and worked as a student assistant in the research group for several years.

Simon’s PhD focusses on the ontology-based integration of information for the digital workplace, which he is investigating as part of the University of Koblenz research project, SoNBO (= Social Network of Business Objects). While in Australia, Simon will be based at Swinburne University of Technology and working on his PhD and in the related area of Enterprise applications of knowledge graphs with Chief Investigator Associate Professor Paul Scifleet and CIRES PhD researchers Pa Pa Khin and Lufan Zhang.

Welcome Simon!!