Best CIRES Demo Award 2024

We are excited to announce the inaugural Best CIRES Demo Award 2024.

This year, CIRES will select the best demo developed by one of our CIRES PhD researchers, Affiliated PhD researchers, Masters Thesis, or Honours students. You must be currently enrolled in one of these programs and supervised by a CIRES Chief Investigator to submit an application.

The prize for the best demo is $1,000 AUD. The winner will be notified via email on the 15th November 2024, and invited to receive the award before the 30th November.

Selection Criteria:

  • The demo was already published/submitted to a reputable peer-reviewed publication venue
  • The demo aligns well to the functions of information resilience (see this link)
  • The demo can demonstrate practical value to the CIRES partner (or industry sector) the student is working with

Deadline for submission: 30th October 2024 23:59 Anywhere On Earth (AoE)

Submission format: Submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and be at most 4 pages (including figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, acknowledgments, and any content except references) in length, with unrestricted space for references, in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use “sigconf” proceedings template for LaTeX and the Interim Template for Word).

Shorter than 4 page submissions are acceptable. A URL to a live demo (better) or a video recording of your demo is highly encouraged.

Please submit your application including uploading your PDF submission via this Google Form


Please contact CIRES Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Junliang Yu or the CIRES Team via



Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at UQ

Applications close 9th January 2024

We are recruiting for a Level A postdoc fellow to join us in the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland in sunny Brisbane, Australia. International candidates are also welcome to apply as visa sponsorship may be available for this appointment.

This position will be jointly supported by CIRES and the ARC Discovery Project DP 200103650 Making Spatiotemporal Data More Useful: An Entity Linking Approach. As a key member of the team, you will have the opportunity to conduct innovative research related to data management and data mining with a particular focus on entity linking and privacy protection of spatiotemporal data. You will also have the chance to supervise and develop research students, cultivate external partnerships, and contribute to the wider academic community.

We are seeking a candidate with:

  • Completion or near completion of a PhD in Data Management, Data Mining, or Data Science.
  • Demonstrated expert knowledge and experience in reproducible research related to multi-modality data including but not limited to spatiotemporal data.
  • A track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals or premiere conferences relevant to data management and data mining.

See the full position description and how to apply:

Applications close Tuesday 9th January 2024 at 11.00 pm AEST.

This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at UQ, and working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

Questions? For more information about this opportunity, please contact Professor Shazia Sadiq.

PhD Scholarship – Allianz Worldwide Partners Australia

Applications closed 21st June 2023.


PhD Scholarship at UQ with Allianz Worldwide Partners Australia

Value Measurement of Data Products
Full details and how to apply

Another excellent PhD scholarship opportunity at The University of Queensland! Applications are now open for our Value Measurement of Data Products project, working with Dr Rocky Tong Chen, Dr Wen Hua, Professor Shazia Sadiq, Shane Downey MPhil, and Charon Abbott in collaboration with our industry partner Allianz Partners.

This project will challenge and extend the current body of knowledge on value of data products including computation, human effort and perceived value, and deliver a domain-agnostic framework that will build business capacity on informing and prioritising data science projects.

We are looking for someone with a good understanding of concepts from data science, business process, applied statistics, numerical linear algebra, and machine learning. This project also requires proficiency in Python programming language and machine learning software packages, as well as experience in data processing and data analysis.

You’ll gain real-world experience during your PhD and undertake the equivalent of a 12-month placement with Allianz.

Applications close 21st June 2023.

For full details and how to apply:

In collaboration with global insurance company, Allianz Worldwide Partners (AWP) Australia, this project will challenge and extend the current body of knowledge on value of data products including computation, human effort and perceived value, and deliver a domain-agnostic framework that will build business capacity on informing and prioritising data science projects. This project focuses on how to maximise data-driven value creation and capture and is one of two CIRES projects with AWP Australia related to organisational and transformational aspects of data, algorithms, and AI.

For this position, the successful candidate is expected to have a good understanding of concepts from data science, business process, applied statistics, numerical linear algebra, and machine learning. This project also requires proficiency in Python programming language and machine learning software packages, as well as experience in data processing and data analysis.

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $36,161 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq




PhD Scholarship – Queensland Department of Education

Applications closed 16th May 2023.


PhD Scholarship at UQ with the Queensland Department of Education

On-demand Dataset Builder

This project will develop a prototype system to showcase the scalability, reliability, and usability of an AI-assisted dataset builder for effective and efficient discovery and curation of multi-source and multi-modal educational data. Working in close collaboration with domain experts and end users from the Queensland Department of Education, the project team will review and investigate best practices for constructing on-demand data sets and the concept of “data as a service”. The project will also develop new methods for AI-assisted on-demand dataset builder and will evaluate with a human-centred lens. The research will result in validated methods and a prototype implementation of the system, road-tested with end users.

The advisory team for this project is Associate Professor Hassan Khosravi (Principal Advisor), Associate Professor Wojtek TomaszewskiProfessor Shazia Sadiq (Associate Advisors), and Dr Angela Ferguson (Queensland Department of Education).

For this position, CIRES is seeking a candidate with a good background in data science, data analytics, or machine learning; and proficiency in python programming language and machine learning software packages such as Pytorch. Track record of publishing high-quality conference or journal paper and experience working with and ingesting structured and unstructured date from multiple sources are desirable.

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $36,161 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq

Applications close 16th May 2023.

For full details and how to apply:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at UQ

Applications closed 8th May 2023.


We are recruiting for a Level A postdoc fellow to join us in the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland in sunny Brisbane, Australia. International candidates are also welcome to apply as Visa sponsorship may be available for this appointment.

As a key member of the team, you will have the opportunity to conduct innovative and reproducible research related to responsible use of data and human-centred Artificial Intelligence. You will also have the chance to supervise and develop research students, cultivate external partnerships, and contribute to the wider academic community.

This position will involve working closely with Associate Professor Hassan Khosravi, and other Centre researchers working on topics related to responsible use of data.

We are seeking a candidate with:

  • Completion or near completion of a PhD in computer science or information technology fields
  • Demonstrated expert knowledge and experience in developing AI and machine learning methods
  • A track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals or premiere conferences relevant to responsible use of data and AISee the full position description and how to apply: close monday 8th May 2023 at 11.00 pm AEST Apply at or contact me directly for more information about the position.

This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at UQ, and working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

Apply now

Applications close Monday 8th May 2023 at 11pm AEST.

Call for Applications: 2023 Visiting Student Scheme

Applications are now open for the 2023 CIRES Visiting Student Scheme.

This scheme will support high calibre research students for 8-12 weeks term visits to the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland, and provides the opportunity to conduct joint research work on areas of mutual interest.

Successful applicants will be provided with a lump-sum to partially cover living costs in and return airfares to Brisbane.

Application Deadlines for 2023

March 22, 2023, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.

June 22, 2023, 223:59, Anywhere on Earth.

September 22, 2023, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.


1. The scheme is primarily intended for PhD students (who have already passed their Qualification Exam at their respective university). We may also accept Master’s/Bachelor students who can demonstrate strong research & development expertise to the assessment panel.

2. Your main research expertise should generally fit in the area of data science and in particular should align with the research specialisations of the CIRES centre investigators at UQ ( as well as with the interests of centre industry and government partners (see current projects

3. Partial co-funding from your own institution.

4. CIRES will offer funding of:

  • AUD 5,000 for an 8 week visit, and,
  • AUD 6,000 for a 12 week visit.

Application materials

To apply, please provide the following, sent as one PDF file to the contact address (below).

  • A 1-2 page research proposal (in line with the proposed duration of stay), including clearly planned outcomes. Please indicate the linkage between the proposal and the research conducted by one or more members of CIRES. The proposed research should be of high quality, for example something that could be published at a top conference or journal.
  • A 1-2 page CV highlighting key achievements, plus a full publications list (for journal papers, please indicate the impact factor; for conference papers, please refer to to find the rank of the conference, if available).
  • Evidence that you have contacted at least one CIRES Chief Investigator and obtained their agreement to be your potential supervisor during your visit. Your research proposal should be reviewed and agreed by your potential local supervisor before submitting your application.
  • A draft budget of the expected costs and required funding.
  • Separately, as a final step, your supervisor must provide a letter of support, emailed directly to the contact address (below), including details of the provided co-funding. Please note that an application will not be considered complete until such a letter is received.

Review process

The Centre’s review panel will consider applications and aim to provide a decision within 14 business days (unless specified otherwise) following the application deadline.

Contact details

All information should be sent in an email with the subject “CIRES Visiting Student Scheme” to, copied to the proposed UQ-based
collaborator and your current supervisor.

If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact the Centre via 

PhD Scholarships at UQ in 2023

Applications closed 15 January 2023.

To register your interest for future PhD projects, please email 

More PhD scholarship opportunities with CIRES! We have two positions based at The University of Queensland. Applications close 15th January 2023.

Position 1 – Expanding Data Sets to Allow Improved Critical Care for Children – Inpatient Risk Prediction, working with Dr Sen WANG and experts from Queensland Health including Associate Professor Kristen Gibbons and Dr Adam Irwin. This project aims to provide a platform-independent decision support framework using an interpretable machinelearning approach for making effective risk predictions for paediatric patients at risk of sepsis.

Find out more and apply now:

Position 2 – Value Measurement of Data Products, working with Dr Wen Hua and global insurance company Allianz Partners Australia including partner investigator Shane Downey MPhil. This project focuses on how to maximise data driven value creation and capture, and the organisational and transformational aspects of data, algorithms, and ai. It aims to deliver a domain-agnostic framework that will build business capacity on informing and prioritising data science projects.

Find out more about this project and how to apply:

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $34,938 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq

Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions at UQ

Applications closed 9 January 2023.

To register your interest for future opportunities, please email 

This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to contribute to innovative research developments within data-driven value creation and transformation. Working with Centre Director Shazia Sadiq and Chief Investigators from the UQ Business School, Ida Asadi Someh, Marta Indulska, Andrew Burton-Jones, you’ll have the opportunity to work across multiple projects with industry and government partners, and gain valuable experience in working within multi-disciplinary teams.

This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

This is a 2 year, full-time Academic Level A position, based in the Centre headquarters at the The University of Queensland‘s beautiful St Lucia Campus in Brisbane.

  • Completion or near completion of a #PhD in Business Information Systems, or Technology Management fields
  • Demonstrated expert knowledge and experience in developing information systems or organisation-focused research models and theory
  • A track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals or premiere conferences relevant to information systems, e.g., Basket of Eight journals, ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS, and ACIS.See the full position description and how to apply:

Applications close Monday 9th January 2023.

PhD Scholarship, Curating Systems of Engagement

Applications closed 1 November 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email


PhD Scholarship, Curating Systems of Engagement at Swinburne 

Another great opportunity to join our CIRES PhD cohort! Working with Chief Investigator Paul Scifleet at Swinburne University of Technology and our research partner Astral Consulting. Be part of our exciting interdisciplinary research Centre tackling real data challenges.

Just one week to go – submit your applications! the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) and Swinburne University of Technologyare seeking a highly motivated #PhD student researcher for our “Curating Systems of Engagement” project with research partner, Astral Consulting Pty Ltd.

Based in Melbourne with Chief Investigator Paul Scifleet this #PhD investigates how information from an organisation’s public systems of engagement can be captured and leveraged for advanced information and knowledge management, bringing AI/ML and human-in-the-loop approaches to curating and converting uncontrolled data into valued information assets.

Join a highly innovative team, enabling Australian organisations to achieve responsible, secure, and agile value creation from data with workforce capacity in #datascience, #datamanagement, #machinelearning and #artificialintelligence

We offer a generous scholarship package of $$34,938 per annum (indexed) and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum. Applications close 27th November 2022. To find out more and how to apply: Swinburne, OR LinkedIn, OR Seek,

This PhD research project investigates how information from an organisation’s public systems of engagement can be captured, developed and leveraged as information assets of value, and will contribute to methodologies for improving enterprise information and knowledge management. The research will investigate how organisations can leverage human & AI/ML approaches to curate and incorporate the uncontrolled data accumulating in an organisation’s systems of engagement into its formal systems of record.

In the CIRES program, you will work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors who are leading research with real world impact. Your research will build on strong foundations of responsible data management, focusing on curating data at scale and building trusted data relationships. Over the period of your degree, you will also undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner, Astral Consulting Services Pty Ltd, and will collaborate and participate in industry-led projects.

This PhD scholarship is based at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. It is advantageous, but not essential, that applicants have:

  • a background in Information Systems, or Enterprise Information Management, with a computing science or similar technology background
  • a strong interest in technology and the business value of advanced data analytics, AI and machine learning
  • previous experience in business analysis, enterprise architecture and/or working with metadata, taxonomies and Information Architecture

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UQ

Applications closed 17 October 2022.

To register your interest for future opportunities, please email

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to join our CIRES team at UQ. This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to contribute to innovative research developments within the scope of data management and data mining. This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

Academic Level A, 2 year fixed term position. Applications close Monday 17th October 2022.

Apply Now:

PhD Scholarships at UQ

Applications closed 6th October 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email

Multiple positions available

We are recruiting for some exciting PhD opportunities to join CIRES, based at The University of Queensland, St Lucia campus.

You will have the opportunity to build innovative solutions for responsible and efficient use of data in a variety of application areas including health, education, insurance, and the public sector.

CIRES is currently recruiting for the following projects:

Applications close 6th October 2022. Apply now

UQ Scholarships Page

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $34,938 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq

PhD Scholarship opportunity: Customer Data Stories

Applications closed 15th July 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email


This project will investigate how the availability of collective and personalised data summaries impacts end-users and customers, and what behavioural changes are enacted as a result. Improving customer decision making is an under-studied area. In collaboration with global insurance company, Allianz Partners Australia, this research will explore the use of data stories as an approach to improve customer engagement and decision making. A crowd-sourced approach will be utilised, and further in-the-wild studies will be conducted to validate and improve the method with the help of Allianz customer networks that span international health and life, travel, and automotive insurance.

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with a working knowledge of concepts from applied statistics/probability, machine learning, algorithms and complexity, human-computer interaction, and marketing would be of benefit to someone working on this project. This project also requires proficiency in the Python programming language, and machine learning software packages such as Pytorch or Tensorflow.

Deadline for applications 15th July 2022.

PhD Scholarships at UQ

Applications closed 19th June 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email


Multiple positions available

We are recruiting for some exciting PhD opportunities to join CIRES, based at The University of Queensland, St Lucia campus.

CIRES is seeking highly motivated PhD researchers to join the Centre for exciting projects with industry and government partners Max Kelsen, Queensland Police Service, and Queensland Health. You will have the opportunity to build innovative solutions for responsible and efficient use of data in a variety of application areas including health, education, insurance, and the public sector.

This is an opportunity to be part of an innovative HDR training program. As a PhD researcher with CIRES, you will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors on research with real world impact. During your degree, you will undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry or government partner.

We offer a generous scholarship package of $34,938 per annum (2022 rate) and top up scholarships from $5,000 per annum. We are now recruiting for the following projects. All positions are based at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus in Brisbane.

Applications close 19th June 2022.


About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $34,938 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq

Third Round of PhD scholarship opportunities at UQ

Applications closed 10th April 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email


CIRES is seeking highly motivated PhD researchers to join the Centre for exciting projects with industry and government partners Max Kelsen, Queensland Police Service, and Queensland Health.

This is an opportunity to be part of an innovative HDR training program. As a PhD researcher with CIRES, you will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors on research with real world impact. During your degree, you will undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry or government partner.

We offer a generous scholarship package of $34,938 per annum (2022 rate) and top up scholarships from $5,000 per annum. We are now recruiting for the three projects below. All positions are based at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus in Brisbane.

Any questions? Contact the CIRES Team via

Applications close 10 April 2022.

PhD scholarship opportunity, Swinburne

Applications closed 30th November 2021.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email


Applications have closed for our PhD project “Information Architecture and Forensic Data Analysis” based at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne working with Chief Investigator Dr Paul Scifleet and industry partner Astral Consulting.

This project investigates how can we improve information architectures to support more effective data discovery and the responsible sharing of data. What methodologies can best support the effective exchange of information inherent in enterprise information architecture? This PhD research project will investigate how organisations can leverage human & AI/ML approaches to improve the forensic discovery and analysis of organisational data across multiple and complex information architectures.

In the CIRES program, you will work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors who are leading research with real world impact. Your research will build on strong foundations of responsible data management, focusing on curating data at scale and building trusted data relationships. Over the period of your degree, you will also undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner, Astral Consulting Services Pty Ltd, and will collaborate and participate in industry-led projects.

Applications close 30th November 2021. For further PhD project opportunities, please visit our Study with Us page.

Second Round of PhD Scholarships at UQ

Applications closed 24 October 2021.


We are seeking highly motivated PhD researchers to join the Centre for exciting projects with the following industry & government partners: Aginic, Max Kelsen, Allianz Partners, Queensland Department of Education, Health & Wellbeing Queensland, Queensland Police Service, and Queensland Health.

Now open for application: 11 x PhD scholarships offered by the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience [CIRES] .

Only domestic or onshore international candidates are eligible to apply.

PhD Scholarship applications now open!
Deadline 24 October 2021
For January or April 2022 start

This is an opportunity to be part of an innovative HDR training program. As a PhD researcher with CIRES, you will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors on research with real world impact. During your degree, you will undertake a one-year placement with the industry partner.

We offer a generous scholarship package of $34,627 per annum (2021 rate) and top up scholarships from $5,000 per annum. We are now recruiting for the following projects. All positions are based at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus. Applications closed 24th October 2021.

For full details and how to apply visit our Study With Us page

If you have any questions about CIRES or applying for these projects, please contact our Centre Manager Kate Aldridge

First Round of PhD Scholarships

Applications closed 12 September 2021.

Be the first to know about the next round of CIRES PhD Scholarship opportunities, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


We’re recruiting! 5 PhD positions available.

CIRES is seeking highly motivated PhD researchers to join the Centre for exciting projects with the following industry partners: Queensland Health, Queensland Police Service, and Max Kelsen.

This is an opportunity to be part of an innovative HDR training program. As a PhD researcher with CIRES, you will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors on research with real world impact. During your degree, you will undertake a one-year placement with the industry partner.

We offer a generous scholarship package of $34,627 per annum (2021 rate) and top up scholarships from $5,000 per annum. We are now recruiting for the following projects. All positions are based at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus. Applications close 12th September 2021.

For full details and how to apply visit our Study With Us page

If you have any questions about CIRES or applying for these projects, please contact our Centre Manager Kate Aldridge