Congratulations to CIRES Chief Investigator & Theme Leader, Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini who has been awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship! The ARC announced $106.7 million in funding this week for 100 new projects under the ARC’s 2024 Future Fellowships scheme.
Gianluca’s project “A Principled Approach to Data Bias Management in Data Pipelines” aims to tackle the fundamental problems of bias in data and AI, and proposes the new concept of bias management. Being trained with massive amounts of human generated content, AI may reflect and reinforce human bias and stereotypes and may be used for malicious purposes. Urgent action is needed to support the average person in better understanding if the output of AI systems can be trusted or not. The aim is to empower end-users to make informed data-driven decisions and benefit Australia by accelerating investment in responsible AI and fostering greater social acceptance in AI.
“It is exciting to have the opportunity to work on this important research topic for the next four years. I would like to thank all the people involved in the work that resulted in this fellowship.”
Congratulations Gianluca!