Promotion Congratulations to Prof Gianluca Demartini

Congratulations to our CIRES Chief Investigator Gianluca Demartini on his promotion to Professor at The University of Queensland!

Gianluca says: “I’m happy to share that I have been promoted to Professor at The University of Queensland. I have worked at UQ for 7 years (it’s the place I’ve worked the longest in my career!) and have been promoted twice since I joined. Thanks to all my PhD students and postdocs that over the years made this possible. Thanks also to all my mentors within UQ and beyond for all their amazing advice and support! Looking forward to the next challenge!”

Promotion Congratulations to A/Prof Ida Asadi Someh

Congratulations to our CIRES Chief Investigator Ida Asadi Someh on her promotion to Associate Professor at The University of Queensland!

Ida says: “I’m happy to share that I have been promoted to Associate Professor at The University of Queensland! While I’ve been fortunate to have a fantastic network supporting and cheering me on, I want to give a special shout-out to three extraordinary women who have been instrumental in this stage of my career: Barb Wixom, Marta Indulska, and Shazia Sadiq. Your guidance, mentorship, and friendship have been invaluable. You’ve helped me become a better researcher, a stronger leader, and a more well-rounded person and mother. Thank you for championing my growth and helping me navigate the complexities of this demanding career path. I am truly indebted to you!”

Kingston AI Group welcomes Professor Shazia Sadiq

We are delighted to announce that CIRES Centre Director, Professor Shazia Sadiq, has become the latest member of the Kingston AI Group, Australia’s most highly regarded professors of artificial intelligence (AI).

“We are absolutely thrilled that Shazia has joined the Kingston AI Group,” said Kingston AI Group Convenor, University of Adelaide Professor Anton van den Hengel. “Shazia’s experience and contribution to the field makes her one of the foremost experts of AI in Australia.”

Congratulations Shazia!

Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at UQ

Applications close 20th November 2024

We are recruiting for a Level A postdoc fellow to join us in the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland in sunny Brisbane, Australia. International candidates are also welcome to apply as visa sponsorship may be available for this appointment.

This position will advance research and development in the area of sepsis prediction, with a focus on improving outcomes through data-driven approaches. This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to contribute to innovative research developments within the scope of multimodal clinical data mining and will assist with developing a prediction system for paediatric sepsis in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU).

This multisite position will be mainly situated at the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland and will involve collaboration across various projects with our government partner, Queensland Health. The successful candidate will also work at the Child Health Research Centre (CCHR), collaborating with healthcare professionals to ensure the clinical relevance of the models developed. As a research focused academic at level A the incumbent will be supported and guided by more senior academic research staff with the expectation of an increasing degree of autonomy over time.

We are seeking a candidate with:

  • Completion or near completion of a PhD in Computer Science, Data Science, or a related field, with a strong focus on deep learning and artificial intelligence.
  • Demonstrated expertise in developing and applying advanced deep learning techniques, preferably in handling and integrating multimodal data or time series data.
  • Demonstrated expertise in developing efficient models for data processing in environments with limited computing resources.
  • Strong programming skills in Python and familiarity with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch.
  • A track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals or premiere conferences relevant to data management and data mining.

See the full position description and how to apply:

Applications close Wednesday 20th November 2024 at 11.00 pm AEST.

This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at UQ, and working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

Questions? For more information about this opportunity, please contact Professor Shazia Sadiq

Welcome to visiting PhD researcher, Timo Spinde

Welcome to Timo Spinde who joined us this week from Germany! Timo is a visiting PhD researcher from the The University of Göttingen. His research is primarily focused on automatically identifying media bias, and he coordinates the Media Bias Group a research network dedicated to studying media bias. During his PhD, Timo also founded a local German-based fashion company, Bodenseeliebe. He will be based with the CIRES Team at The University of Queensland.

“I am excited to join CIRES for the next few months. Together with Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini, we will work on a project comparing processes that increase media literacy based on both human-generated and computer-generated bias explanations. I am very much looking forward to getting to know Australia, Brisbane, UQ, and ideally finding partners for future projects”.

Redesigning Work with Artificial Intelligence

It is amazing to see that work redesign approaches proposed in our AI thought leadership report Redesigning Work with Artificial Intelligence: Accelerating the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Government Organizations have been adopted by NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for their Invoice Processing. The research takes a risk perspective to classify tasks and proposes four work redesign approaches based on risk levels and domain expertise/specialisation required. The approaches proposed are backed by case studies from the public sector.

For the full report refer to this link.

The research is jointly published by The University of Queensland and the SAP Institute for Digital Government.

Collaborators: CIRES CI Dr Ida Asadi Someh and CIRES Research Director, Professor Marta Indulska, Dr Reihaneh Bidar, Dr Tapani Rinta-Kahila, Dr Katie Williams,  Ian Ryan, Ryan van Leent [UQ Business School, SAP Australian User Group & CIRES]

Welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow Zixin Wang

We’d like to welcome Zixin Wang to CIRES! Zixin joined the Centre as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in July 2024 and is based at The University of Queensland. Her research focuses on domain adaptation and test-time adaptation in computer vision. Her work involves utilizing AI models for data-centric learning across various vision-based contexts, including image classification, segmentation, and 3D detection. She has developed models that contribute to the literature in the multimedia and computer vision field, including the Best Student Paper award at ACM Multimedia 2023.

She is enthusiastic about collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders, from multidisciplinary researchers to industry and government partners, to advance research on applying AI models in real-world applications.

She will be working closely with Centre Director Professor Shazia Sadiq and looks forward to building successful collaborative relationships across the Centre and making significant contributions to CIRES.

Women in Computing ACM-W Chapter

CIRES celebrated 2024 International Women’s Day with the launch of the UQ Association for Computing Machinery – Women (ACM-W) Chapter, a new initiative to support and encourage women in computing at UQ and beyond. As the first university in Australia to establish a Student Chapter, UQ is excited to be welcomed into a global network of professional women in computing.

The UQ ACM-W Student Chapter will provide an environment for students to make professional and social connections, learn about technology, get career advice, participate in mentoring, organise events, and provide community service. The chapter is led by CIRES Centre Director, Professor Shazia Sadiq and supported by ten Student Leaders who promote and celebrate the achievements of UQ’s women in computing community.

The Association for Computing Machinery – Women (ACM-W) celebrates, and advocates for Women in Computing with more than 70,000+ members world-wide.

Best CIRES Demo Award 2024

We are excited to announce the inaugural Best CIRES Demo Award 2024.

This year, CIRES will select the best demo developed by one of our CIRES PhD researchers, Affiliated PhD researchers, Masters Thesis, or Honours students. You must be currently enrolled in one of these programs and supervised by a CIRES Chief Investigator to submit an application.

The prize for the best demo is $1,000 AUD. The winner will be notified via email on the 15th November 2024, and invited to receive the award before the 30th November.

Selection Criteria:

  • The demo was already published/submitted to a reputable peer-reviewed publication venue
  • The demo aligns well to the functions of information resilience (see this link)
  • The demo can demonstrate practical value to the CIRES partner (or industry sector) the student is working with

Deadline for submission: 30th October 2024 23:59 Anywhere On Earth (AoE)

Submission format: Submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and be at most 4 pages (including figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, acknowledgments, and any content except references) in length, with unrestricted space for references, in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use “sigconf” proceedings template for LaTeX and the Interim Template for Word).

Shorter than 4 page submissions are acceptable. A URL to a live demo (better) or a video recording of your demo is highly encouraged.

Please submit your application including uploading your PDF submission via this Google Form


Please contact CIRES Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Junliang Yu or the CIRES Team via



Visiting Researcher Professor Susan P. Williams

Professor Susan Williams from the Universität Koblenz Germany, is visiting our Swinburne University of Technology node from the 4th to 9th February 2024. Sue is a Professor of Enterprise Information Management and will be collaborating and working with CIRES Chief Investigator Dr Paul Scifleet, and CIRES PhD Researchers Lufan Zhang and Pa Pa Khin.

As an interdisciplinary researcher with expertise in the areas of social and organisational informatics, Sue’s work focuses on information ecologies and the design of the digital workplace. With an academic background in computer and information science, her research examines complex socio-technical change (STC) and human-centred technology design. Her long-term research programme investigates the challenges associated with understanding how new information infrastructures are shaping work and work practices, and the design of digital workspaces and workplaces to support distributed collaborative work.

CIRES Chief Investigator Dr Paul Scifleet is looking forward to the collaboration. “Professor William’s is one of the world’s leading researchers in Enterprise Information Management and the challenges businesses face today in managing the ever-increasing amount of vital information shared in workplace collaboration technologies. We are excited to be working with Professor Williams to improve the information resilience of Australian businesses facing the same concerns.”

AI in Education: Call for increased ethics, collaboration & rigour

As the use of AI in education rapidly evolves and generates increasing interest, how can we obtain a comprehensive view of its current state-of-the-art developments in research and practical applications?

CIRES CI, A/Prof Hassan Khosravi’s recent paper “A meta systematic review of artificial intelligence in higher education: a call for increased ethics, collaboration and rigour “ published by the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education investigates this question.

Read the paper open access at

Image preview

CIRES participates in Australasian Conference on Information Systems

A number of CIRES students and staff participated in the 34th Australasian Conference on Information Systems [ACIS 2023] 5-8 December 2023, Wellington New Zealand.

CIRES posdoctoral researcher, Dr Javad Pool, shared his PhD journey as part of the ACIS Doctoral Consortium program, as well as presenting his research paper at the main conference.

CIRES students, Daisy Xu presented her current research into “Transforming Data to Value: a Multi-Case Study” at the ACIS 2023 Doctoral Consortium, while Jorge Retamales,  presented his research paper “Becoming data-driven: Integrating inertia and dynamic capabilities perspectives” at the main conference.

Why data-smart leaders create teams of “purple people”

“Data Is Everybody’s Business” by Barb Wixom, Leslie Owens, and Cynthia Beath with MIT CISR (MIT Center for Information Systems Research) features contributions from CIRES Chief Investigator, Ida Asadi Someh. The excerpt features content that is available in academic form in Journal of Association for Information Systems –

Ida’s collaborator, Barbara Wixom, is a CIRES International Expert Panel Member.

Why data-smart leaders create teams of “purple people”

UQ AI Research Network Launches

UQ Research and Innovation Week 2023 saw the launch of the University’s new Research Networks, which provide a platform for a collaborative and transdisciplinary approach to fields of research with broad impacts across society. In opening the event, Professor Shazia Sadiq, CIRES Centre Director, and Director of the UQ AI Collaboratory commented on the enormity of recent advancements in AI, and the profound impact it can have on science, business and society. This prompted the establishment of the UQ AI Collaboratory in 2021.

Welcome to Data Engineer Zhuochen Wu

We’d like to welcome Zhuochen Wu to CIRES! Zhuochen joined the Centre as a Data Engineer in November 2022 and is based at Swinburne University of Technology. Her main work includes data curation, resilient data pipelines, graph databases and distributed ETL systems, with a focus on data extraction and analytics pipeline integration. Zhuochen has a degree of Master of Computing with Data Science specialisation from the Australian National University. She works closely with Chief Investigator Associate Professor Amir Aryani.  She is excited by the diverse projects within the Centre and is looking forward to collaborating with other researchers to find meaningful insights from data.

Welcome to Data Engineer Shaoyang Fan

We’d like to welcome Dr Shaoyang Fan to CIRES! Shaoyang joined CIRES as a Data Engineer in July 2023 at The University of Queensland. Shaoyang is a data scientist and specialises in microtask crowdsourcing, data quality, and bias. He works closely with Chief Investigator Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini, working in data curation and human computation research, including constructing crowd-sourced data curation processes. He has a PhD in Computer Science and Master of Science in Information Technology, both from UQ, and Master of Science in Econometrics from The University of Manchester.

Shaoyang is looking forward to applying his technical skills and passion for data science to make impactful contributions to the Centre.

Welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow Javad Pool

Welcome to Dr Javad Pool who joins CIRES as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland.

Javad completed his PhD in Business Information Systems with the UQ Business School, focusing on data privacy, and the effective use of information systems, particularly in the digital health context.

He will work closely with Professors Shazia Sadiq, Marta Indulska, Andrew Burton-Jones, and Dr Ida Asadi Someh. His research aims to understand and address socio-technical challenges in information systems, including data governance, privacy, trust, data breaches, misinformation, the effective use of data, and data protection. Javad is looking forwarding to collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders to advance research on information resilience and data protection practices.

Welcome Javad!

Welcome to New CIRES CI, Dr Rocky Chen

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Rocky Tong Chen as a Chief Investigator with CIRES!

Rocky is a lecturer in Business Analytics with the Data Science group at The University of Queensland. His research interests include data mining, machine learning, recommender systems, and predictive analytics.

He joined CIRES as an Affiliate Investigator in 2021, and was the Chair of the Centre’s inaugural Information Resilience PhD School in 2022. His Centre PhD supervisions span CIRES partners Health and Wellbeing QueenslandAllianz Partners (Australia) and the Queensland Police Service.

Rocky is looking forward to developing cutting-edge data science solutions to real-world, large-scale problems. He is also committed to the research training and capacity building that will add skillful hands to new-generation industry applications.

Welcome to New CIRES CI, Associate Professor Wojtek Tomaszewski

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Wojtek Tomaszewski as a Chief Investigator with CIRES!

Wojtek is the Deputy Director (Research) and a Research Group Leader at the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland. He joined the Centre as an Affiliate Investigator in 2022, and brings to CIRES specialist expertise in social sciences, including quantitative research methods and statistical analysis.

He has a strong research interest in the impact of disadvantage on educational and labour market outcomes in young people. He will be an Associate Advisor for the On-demand Dataset Builder PhD project which is a collaboration with the Queensland Department of Education.

As a CI with the Centre, Wojtek is looking forward to building cross-disciplinary collaborations, and working with industry partners to promote building data resources and infrastructure to support evidence-based solutions to real-world challenges.