Dr Javad Pool – 2023 Award for Excellence

Congratulations to our CIRES Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Javad Pool who has received a 2023 Award for Excellence from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL) at The University of Queensland.

The award was for Research – Engagement and Impact, within the Trust in AI Research Team working with Professor Nicole Gillespie, Dr Caitlin Curtis, and Dr Steven Lockey.

“I’m honoured to receive this BEL Award for Excellence 2023 alongside the Trust in AI Research Team. Professor Nicole Gillespie’s leadership in this research has been inspiring, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Nicole, Steve, and Caitlin on impactful projects highlighted in the media, in policy, and in industry reports.”

Congratulations Javad!

Find out more about this research

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ITRP Managers Symposium

On 16-17 October, CIRES Centre Manager Kate Aldridge and Coordinator Kathleen Williamson attended the 2023 ARC National ITRP Managers Symposium held in Adelaide; meeting with ARC representatives and fellow Managers from across Australia and sharing tips, insights and experience in the operational management of our ARC Hubs and Training Centres. This important knowledge sharing and problem solving event, also included a professional training session “Speaking with Influence” presented by Gary Edwards which provided many tactics and strategies to improve communication, and get better results in any situation. Below is a photo of the UQ representatives at the Symposium.


Welcome to Data Engineer Zhuochen Wu

We’d like to welcome Zhuochen Wu to CIRES! Zhuochen joined the Centre as a Data Engineer in November 2022 and is based at Swinburne University of Technology. Her main work includes data curation, resilient data pipelines, graph databases and distributed ETL systems, with a focus on data extraction and analytics pipeline integration. Zhuochen has a degree of Master of Computing with Data Science specialisation from the Australian National University. She works closely with Chief Investigator Associate Professor Amir Aryani.  She is excited by the diverse projects within the Centre and is looking forward to collaborating with other researchers to find meaningful insights from data.

Welcome to Data Engineer Shaoyang Fan

We’d like to welcome Dr Shaoyang Fan to CIRES! Shaoyang joined CIRES as a Data Engineer in July 2023 at The University of Queensland. Shaoyang is a data scientist and specialises in microtask crowdsourcing, data quality, and bias. He works closely with Chief Investigator Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini, working in data curation and human computation research, including constructing crowd-sourced data curation processes. He has a PhD in Computer Science and Master of Science in Information Technology, both from UQ, and Master of Science in Econometrics from The University of Manchester.

Shaoyang is looking forward to applying his technical skills and passion for data science to make impactful contributions to the Centre.

Dr Sen Wang CI for new ARC Training Centre in Predictive Breeding in Agriculture

Congratulations to School of EECS, Professor Helen Huang, and CIRES CI, Dr Sen Wang, for the successful $5M funding of the ARC Training Centre in Predictive Breeding for Agricultural Futures. The Centre will train the next generation of breeders and develop cutting-edge predictive breeding technologies in partnership with industry. The Centre will train 31 PhDs, seven Postdocs and perform research across 21 agriculturally important species. The Centre brings together significant contributions from five Australian universities and 30 national and international partner organisations, and now the ARC, to a total value of $136M.

Best Paper Award ICTIR 2023

Congratulations to CIRES Chief Investigator Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini and fellow authors who received the Best Paper Award for their work “Perspectives on Large Language Models for Relevance Judgment” https://lnkd.in/gmf3qU97

The work is the result of an international collaboration between researchers in Italy, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, and Japan, who highlight the risks and opportunities of large language models and their impact on information retrieval research. The award was given by a committee of information retrieval experts at the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery‘s SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval in Taipei last week.

Computational Social Science Reading group

We have a number of reading groups happening across the Centre and it’s a key part of our cross-collaboration between our university partners Swinburne University of Technology and The University of Queensland.

Great conversation in the Computational Social Science Reading group led by CIRES Postdoc Dr Hui Yin, PhD researchers Pa Pa Khin and Lufan Zhang, and Dr Javad Pool, around AI-enabled knowledge sharing and learning.

Swinburne University of Technology, hosted our second Computational Social Science Reading group with the collaboration of colleagues at the University of Queensland, part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES).

Dr. Hui Yin leads the conversation today with a focus on a paper about knowledge management titled ” AI-enabled knowledge sharing and learning: redesigning roles and processes” (https://lnkd.in/g8xSTg3c). Pa Pa Khin gave a detailed introduction to this paper. This research paper provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing AI’s impact on various practices in knowledge management, and it uncovers the vital necessity of tailored AI-enabled knowledge management systems to cater to modern knowledge worker demands. We had a productive conversation about the role of AI in facilitating organizational knowledge sharing and learning, and how it can support knowledge management activities.

Keynote at 2023 ACM SIGMOD/PODS

CIRES Centre Director, Professor Shazia Sadiq presented a keynote “DEI Perspectives in Information Technology Education” on June 21 at the 2023 ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of Data, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Information Technology (IT) has become deeply intertwined with business and society across many sectors such as health, transport, manufacturing, and education is no exception. In this talk I will outline some of the challenges in education resulting from increasingly diverse student populations and shifts in delivery modes for learning. I will also share experiences and strategies for embedding DEI perspectives in education of, for and with Information Technology.

NSTC Rapid Response on Generative AI

On 6 June, Hon Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science, launched the NSTC Rapid Response on Generative AI: https://lnkd.in/gfbb5f8c. The development of the report was drawn together through the National Science and Technology Council, guided by its Executive Officer and Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley . The work was led by Professors Genevieve Bell, Jean Burgess, Shazia Sadiq and Julian Thomas, drawing on critical input from peers across academia.


Welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow Javad Pool

Welcome to Dr Javad Pool who joins CIRES as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland.

Javad completed his PhD in Business Information Systems with the UQ Business School, focusing on data privacy, and the effective use of information systems, particularly in the digital health context.

He will work closely with Professors Shazia Sadiq, Marta Indulska, Andrew Burton-Jones, and Dr Ida Asadi Someh. His research aims to understand and address socio-technical challenges in information systems, including data governance, privacy, trust, data breaches, misinformation, the effective use of data, and data protection. Javad is looking forwarding to collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders to advance research on information resilience and data protection practices.

Welcome Javad!

Welcome to New CIRES CI, Dr Rocky Chen

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Rocky Tong Chen as a Chief Investigator with CIRES!

Rocky is a lecturer in Business Analytics with the Data Science group at The University of Queensland. His research interests include data mining, machine learning, recommender systems, and predictive analytics.

He joined CIRES as an Affiliate Investigator in 2021, and was the Chair of the Centre’s inaugural Information Resilience PhD School in 2022. His Centre PhD supervisions span CIRES partners Health and Wellbeing QueenslandAllianz Partners (Australia) and the Queensland Police Service.

Rocky is looking forward to developing cutting-edge data science solutions to real-world, large-scale problems. He is also committed to the research training and capacity building that will add skillful hands to new-generation industry applications.

Welcome to New CIRES CI, Associate Professor Wojtek Tomaszewski

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Wojtek Tomaszewski as a Chief Investigator with CIRES!

Wojtek is the Deputy Director (Research) and a Research Group Leader at the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland. He joined the Centre as an Affiliate Investigator in 2022, and brings to CIRES specialist expertise in social sciences, including quantitative research methods and statistical analysis.

He has a strong research interest in the impact of disadvantage on educational and labour market outcomes in young people. He will be an Associate Advisor for the On-demand Dataset Builder https://lnkd.in/gf33trVD PhD project which is a collaboration with the Queensland Department of Education.

As a CI with the Centre, Wojtek is looking forward to building cross-disciplinary collaborations, and working with industry partners to promote building data resources and infrastructure to support evidence-based solutions to real-world challenges.

Welcome to PhD Researcher, Eslam Zaher

We’d like to welcome Eslam Zaher to CIRES! Eslam joined the Centre as a PhD Researcher in April 2023 and is based at The University of Queensland. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications and Information Engineering from the Zewail City of Science and Technology. His research interests are focused on data-centric AI, interpretability, and natural language processing.

Eslam’s PhD project “Interpretable AI – Theory and Practice” is a collaboration with industry partner Max Kelsen, and is supervised by Dr Fred Roosta-Khorasani, Dr Quan Nguyen, and Dr Maciej Trzaskowski.

Welcome Eslam!

Welcome to PhD Researcher, Huy Nguyen

We’d like to welcome Van Nhat Huy Nguyen (Huy) to CIRES! Huy has joined the Centre as a PhD Researcher in April 2023 and is based at The University of Queensland. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) from UQ, receiving First Class Honours. His dissertation was on detecting misinformation from multiple news topics, and his research interests include natural language processing and data linkage.

Huy’s PhD project Expanding Data Sets to Allow Improved Critical Care for Children – Inpatient Risk Prediction” is a collaboration with government partner Queensland Health, and is supervised by Dr. Sen Wang and Dr. Ruihong Qiu, and Associate Professor Kristen Gibbons and Dr. Sainath Raman (Queensland Health). His research focuses on developing inpatient risk prediction models for paediatric patients at risk of sepsis. He is inspired by the Centre’s vision to solve real-world problems, using a diverse range of expertise and technologies. He is also looking forward to collaborating with colleagues across the Centre and with Queensland Health to improve the quality of children’s healthcare.

Welcome Huy!

Tutorial at DASFAA 2023

CIRES Postdoctoral researcher, Dr Junliang Yu, and CIRES CIs, Dr Rocky Chen and A/Prof Hongzhi Yin, presented a tutorial on Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation: Foundations, Methods and Prospects at 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2023), April 17-20, 2023, Tianjin, China.

Brief outline of the tutorial:

Recommender systems have become a necessity in this Internet era to offer personalization. However, in contrast to the increasing ease of model building and deployment, the lack of user behavioral data still remains a major pain point for modern recommender systems that constantly compromises recommendation performance. Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL), which can enable training on massive unlabeled data with automatic data annotation, has achieved tremendous success in many fields and been applied to an ever-expanding range of applications including recommendation. Many recent studies have demonstrated that all kinds of recommendation models can be significantly improved through learning with well-designed self-supervised tasks and data augmentations. In this tutorial, we will provide a panorama of the research efforts on self-supervised recommendation. Specifically, the content includes: (1) foundations and overview of self-supervised recommendation; (2) a comprehensive taxonomy of existing self-supervised recommendation methods; (3) how to apply SSL to various recommendation scenarios; (4) Challenges and future research directions.

Speakers Bio

Junliang Yu is a postdoctoral research fellow in the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland. His research interests include recommender systems, social media analytics, deep learning on graphs, and self-supervised learning. He has 10+ publications on top-tier international venues such as KDD, WWW, ICDM, CIKM, AAAI, SIGIR, VLDBJ, and TKDE. He has been actively providing professional services to many toptier conferences/journals such as AAAI, CIKM, IJCAI, etc. He has rich lecture experience and tutored one relevant course of social media analytics, and also has made oral presentations on multiple top-tier conferences.

Dr. Tong Chen is a lecturer with the Data Science Discipline at The University of Queensland. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from The University of Queensland in 2020. Dr. Chen’s research interests include data mining, machine learning, business intelligence, recommender systems, and predictive analytics. He has 60+ publications on top-tier international venues such as KDD, SIGIR, ICDE, AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, WWW, TKDE, IJCAI, TOIS, and CIKM. He has been actively providing professional services to over 20 world-leading international conferences/journals in the fields of data mining, information retrieval and AI. Dr. Chen has ample track records in lecturing, witnessed by his course design and delivery experience in business analytics, full-course teaching experience in social media analytics and database systems, as well as invited talks on cutting-edge recommender systems at the WWW’22 Tutorial, ICDM’20 NeuRec Workshop, Beihang University, and Zhejiang University.

Dr. Hongzhi Yin works as ARC Future Fellow and associate professor with The University of Queensland, Australia. He received his doctoral degree from Peking University in July 2014. His current main research interests include recommender systems, graph embedding and mining, chatbots, social media analytics and mining, edge machine learning, trustworthy machine learning, decentralized and federated learning, and smart healthcare. He has published 220+ papers with Hindex 52, including 22 most highly cited publications in Top 1% (CNCI) venues such as KDD, SIGIR, WWW, WSDM, SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, AAAI, TKDE,etc. He has won 6 Best Paper Awards such as Best Paper Award at ICDE 2019, Best Student Paper Award at DASFAA 2020, and Best Paper Award Nomination at ICDM 2018. Dr. Yin has rich lecture experience and taught 5 relevant courses such as information retrieval and web search, data mining, social media analytics, and responsible data science. He was nominated as Most Effective Teacher of EAIT Faculty in The University of Queensland for 2020, 2021 and 2022. He has delivered 12 keynotes, invited talks and tutorials at the top international conferences such as tutorials at WWW 2017, KDD 2017 and WWW 2022.

Welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lei Han

Welcome to Dr Lei Han who joins CIRES as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland.

Lei joined the Centre in April 2023 and his passion lies in developing innovative solutions in the field of Data Science, with a particular interest in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation. He received his PhD from The University of Queensland in 2021, and was a postdoctoral research fellow at School of ITEE before joining CIRES. He will work closely with Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini and Professor Shazia Sadiq.

Lei is excited about the prospect of collaborating with colleagues who possess diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise across the Centre. He believes that such collaborations have the potential to drive valuable advances in Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence. By working together, sharing knowledge and resources, and leveraging different perspectives, he is confident that they can develop innovative solutions to complex problems and make significant contributions to the field.

Welcome Lei!

Welcome to PhD Researcher, Jorge Retamales

We’d like to welcome Jorge Retamales to CIRES! Jorge has joined the Centre as a PhD Researcher in April 2023 and is based at The University of Queensland. He holds a Masters Degree in Information Management from the University of Washington. He has extensive working experience in Analytics, with his previous role as Head of Statistics for JUNJI in Chile, a government department in the early education sector.  Jorge’s PhD project “Developing Analytics-Driven Organisations” is a collaboration with business partner Aginic and supervised by Dr. Ida Asadi Someh, Professor Marta Indulska, and Emma Freya (Aginic).

He is excited about helping organizations effectively use their data products and capabilities for value creation, through collaborating with colleagues and CIRES industry partners.

Welcome Jorge!

PhD Scholarship – Allianz Worldwide Partners Australia

Applications closed 21st June 2023.


PhD Scholarship at UQ with Allianz Worldwide Partners Australia

Value Measurement of Data Products
Full details and how to apply

Another excellent PhD scholarship opportunity at The University of Queensland! Applications are now open for our Value Measurement of Data Products project, working with Dr Rocky Tong Chen, Dr Wen Hua, Professor Shazia Sadiq, Shane Downey MPhil, and Charon Abbott in collaboration with our industry partner Allianz Partners.

This project will challenge and extend the current body of knowledge on value of data products including computation, human effort and perceived value, and deliver a domain-agnostic framework that will build business capacity on informing and prioritising data science projects.

We are looking for someone with a good understanding of concepts from data science, business process, applied statistics, numerical linear algebra, and machine learning. This project also requires proficiency in Python programming language and machine learning software packages, as well as experience in data processing and data analysis.

You’ll gain real-world experience during your PhD and undertake the equivalent of a 12-month placement with Allianz.

Applications close 21st June 2023.

For full details and how to apply: https://lnkd.in/gMdt33WS

In collaboration with global insurance company, Allianz Worldwide Partners (AWP) Australia, this project will challenge and extend the current body of knowledge on value of data products including computation, human effort and perceived value, and deliver a domain-agnostic framework that will build business capacity on informing and prioritising data science projects. This project focuses on how to maximise data-driven value creation and capture and is one of two CIRES projects with AWP Australia related to organisational and transformational aspects of data, algorithms, and AI.

For this position, the successful candidate is expected to have a good understanding of concepts from data science, business process, applied statistics, numerical linear algebra, and machine learning. This project also requires proficiency in Python programming language and machine learning software packages, as well as experience in data processing and data analysis.

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $36,161 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq