Call for Applications: 2023 Visiting Student Scheme

Applications are now open for the 2023 CIRES Visiting Student Scheme.

This scheme will support high calibre research students for 8-12 weeks term visits to the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) at The University of Queensland, and provides the opportunity to conduct joint research work on areas of mutual interest.

Successful applicants will be provided with a lump-sum to partially cover living costs in and return airfares to Brisbane.

Application Deadlines for 2023

March 22, 2023, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.

June 22, 2023, 223:59, Anywhere on Earth.

September 22, 2023, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.


1. The scheme is primarily intended for PhD students (who have already passed their Qualification Exam at their respective university). We may also accept Master’s/Bachelor students who can demonstrate strong research & development expertise to the assessment panel.

2. Your main research expertise should generally fit in the area of data science and in particular should align with the research specialisations of the CIRES centre investigators at UQ ( as well as with the interests of centre industry and government partners (see current projects

3. Partial co-funding from your own institution.

4. CIRES will offer funding of:

  • AUD 5,000 for an 8 week visit, and,
  • AUD 6,000 for a 12 week visit.

Application materials

To apply, please provide the following, sent as one PDF file to the contact address (below).

  • A 1-2 page research proposal (in line with the proposed duration of stay), including clearly planned outcomes. Please indicate the linkage between the proposal and the research conducted by one or more members of CIRES. The proposed research should be of high quality, for example something that could be published at a top conference or journal.
  • A 1-2 page CV highlighting key achievements, plus a full publications list (for journal papers, please indicate the impact factor; for conference papers, please refer to to find the rank of the conference, if available).
  • Evidence that you have contacted at least one CIRES Chief Investigator and obtained their agreement to be your potential supervisor during your visit. Your research proposal should be reviewed and agreed by your potential local supervisor before submitting your application.
  • A draft budget of the expected costs and required funding.
  • Separately, as a final step, your supervisor must provide a letter of support, emailed directly to the contact address (below), including details of the provided co-funding. Please note that an application will not be considered complete until such a letter is received.

Review process

The Centre’s review panel will consider applications and aim to provide a decision within 14 business days (unless specified otherwise) following the application deadline.

Contact details

All information should be sent in an email with the subject “CIRES Visiting Student Scheme” to, copied to the proposed UQ-based
collaborator and your current supervisor.

If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact the Centre via 

ATSE #FellowFriday featuring Professor Shazia Sadiq

CIRES Centre Director Professor Shazia Sadiq was featured in the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering’s (ATSE) Fellow Friday series. In this piece, “Preparing for the future of AI” Shazia outlines three priorities that will enable us at an individual and societal level, to fully harness the potential of generative AI. These are: Training for quality; Addressing the skills shortage; and Making AI accessible. Read the full feature here.

2022 Australian Awards for University Teaching

Congratulations to our CIRES Chief Investigator and Theme Leader Associate Professor Hassan Khosravi and The RiPPLE Team, for their Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, which was recognised at the recent AAUT awards!

The team designed and implemented, an innovative adaptive educational system that transforms student learning into an active, social and personalised experience.

Three other UQ teachers were recognised, meaning UQ remains the most awarded university through the AAUT scheme. Read more:

Welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dr Hui Yin

Welcome to Dr Hui Yin who joins CIRES as our first Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology.

Hui’s research focus includes natural language processing, ai, machinelearning, and data mining, with an emphasis on online social media text mining. Hui received her PhD in Data Science from Deakin University in June 2022, and was a research fellow with Deakin before joining CIRES. She will work closely with Chief Investigator Associate Professor Amir Aryani, and joins our Swinburne colleagues Paul Scifleet, Chengfei Liu, Steve Petrie, and Lufan Zhang. She is looking forward to collaborating with CIRES partners and researchers across the Centre.

Welcome Hui!

The Web Conf 2023 – Accepted Paper from CIRES

Full paper “Human-in-the-loop Regular Expression Extraction for Single Column Format Inconsistency” by Shaochen Yu, Lei Han, Marta Indulska, Shazia Sadiq and Gianluca Demartini accepted at TheWebConf WWW2023

We propose a novel hybrid human-machine system that leverages crowdsourcing to address syntactic format inconsistencies in an effective and cost-efficient way. We first ask crowd workers to select training examples for our inference algorithm through data selection and result validation. Then, we propose and make use of a novel rule-based learning algorithm to infer the regular expression that works for the format consistency issues in a given structured dataset. In this way, we are able to apply the created regular expression to the entire dataset to find more consistency issues. Having experts writing regular expressions is no longer required.

Welcome to Visiting PhD Researcher, Catherine Sai

Welcome to Catherine Sai (Kate) who has joined CIRES for two months as a visiting PhD researcher from the Technical University of Munich. Kate has a Masters in Industrial Engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and four years industry experience, including working as a Cognitive Computing Consultant and Data Scientist.

She is focused on data driven business process improvement, and her PhD topic focuses on the automatic identification, extraction, and in-depth comparison of process requirements from complex texts with a business actual process. During her time at CIRES, Kate will work with Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini and Professor Shazia Sadiq on a project involving the automated identification or relevant (textual) requirements based on a business process.

Kate’s excited to join forces across research institutions and countries, and is looking forward to collaborating with CIRES partners and researchers across the Centre.

Welcome Kate!

Welcome to PhD Researcher, Muhammed Elyas Meguellati

We’d like to welcome Muhammed Elyas Meguellati to CIRES! Elyas is a PhD researcher based at The University of Queensland. He will be working on the Customer Data Stories project in collaboration with our industry partner Allianz Worldwide Partners Australia, partner investigator Mr Shane Downey MPhil, Associate Professor Gianluca Demartini, and Professor Shazia Sadiq.

Elyas has a Masters Degree in applied computing from the University of Malaya, and his research interests include natural language processing and deeplearning. Welcome Elyas!!

Welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dr Junliang Yu

Welcome back to 2023! We’d like to extend a very warm welcome to our first CIRES Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Junliang Yu!

Junliang is based at The University of Queensland and his work will particularly focus on dealing with data sparsity and noise problems in real-world datasets, and on promoting algorithmic transparency.

During his PhD, he published over 10 peer-reviewed papers in the most prestigious conferences including the Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), World Wide Web (WWW), IEEE’s International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), AAAI, the Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), and journals including IEEE’s Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TDKE) and the International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBJ).

Junliang’s research interests are data mining and machine learning, with a particular focus on recommender systems, tiny machine learning, and self-supervised learning. He will work closely with Centre Director Professor Shazia Sadiq and CIRES Chief Investigator Associate Professor yin hongzhi.

Junliang is looking forward to building successful collaborative relationships across the Centre and making great contributions to CIRES.

CIRES CI Dr Hassan Khosravi wins UQ Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to CIRES CI, Dr Hassan Khosravi, whose work in developing the RiPPLE learning platform has received a commendation for innovation at The University of Queensland Staff Excellence Awards

The vision in developing RiPPLE has been to transform learning to be an active, social and personalised experience. Using RiPPLE, academics and students partner together to create pools of high-quality learning resources, which are used to recommend personalised content to students based on their mastery level. For more information on the platform please visit

The RiPPLE project thanks the leadership teams in the UQ Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) and UQAI in UQ School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering and in particular Karen Benson, Shazia Sadiq and Greg Winslett for their mentorship and continued support of the project.

Information Governance and Management Survey 2022-23

Large cybersecurity breaches are showing the challenges ahead for Executives and Information management professionals.

Our colleagues at Swinburne University of Technology are actively engaged in industry and academic research in Information Governance (IG) and in collaboration with our partner organisation Astral invite participants for the Information Governance & Information Management Research Survey By participating in this survey business and government in Australia can benefit from this research to develop a better understanding of IG and and Information Management priorities on the ground.

PhD Scholarships at UQ in 2023

Applications closed 15 January 2023.

To register your interest for future PhD projects, please email 

More PhD scholarship opportunities with CIRES! We have two positions based at The University of Queensland. Applications close 15th January 2023.

Position 1 – Expanding Data Sets to Allow Improved Critical Care for Children – Inpatient Risk Prediction, working with Dr Sen WANG and experts from Queensland Health including Associate Professor Kristen Gibbons and Dr Adam Irwin. This project aims to provide a platform-independent decision support framework using an interpretable machinelearning approach for making effective risk predictions for paediatric patients at risk of sepsis.

Find out more and apply now:

Position 2 – Value Measurement of Data Products, working with Dr Wen Hua and global insurance company Allianz Partners Australia including partner investigator Shane Downey MPhil. This project focuses on how to maximise data driven value creation and capture, and the organisational and transformational aspects of data, algorithms, and ai. It aims to deliver a domain-agnostic framework that will build business capacity on informing and prioritising data science projects.

Find out more about this project and how to apply:

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $34,938 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq

CIRES Centre Director Prof Shazia Sadiq wins UQ Faculty Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to our CIRES Centre Director Professor Shazia Sadiq on receiving a UQ Faculty Staff Excellence Award for Leadership!

Shazia has been a devoted lecturer for two decades, and an advocate for improving personalised learning and graduate outcomes. In 2012, she received an institutional award for teaching excellence and in 2016 she spearheaded the highly successful Master of Data Science program at UQ that is helping overcome skill shortages in Queensland for qualified data scientists. Shazia is also leading UQ’s AI Collaboratory, bringing together the research strengths of UQ experts spanning across several areas to present a strong portfolio of fundamental knowledge critical for the future of AI.

Shazia is passionate about the positive impact emerging technologies from data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence can have on our future. She advocates for responsible and ethical technology developments and believes strongly that these developments require trans-disciplinary collaborations between research, industry, government, and community.

As our CIRES Director, we truly appreciate Shazia’s vision in establishing the Centre, and her energy and enthusiasm for working collaboratively together to achieve great things.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions at UQ

Applications closed 9 January 2023.

To register your interest for future opportunities, please email 

This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to contribute to innovative research developments within data-driven value creation and transformation. Working with Centre Director Shazia Sadiq and Chief Investigators from the UQ Business School, Ida Asadi Someh, Marta Indulska, Andrew Burton-Jones, you’ll have the opportunity to work across multiple projects with industry and government partners, and gain valuable experience in working within multi-disciplinary teams.

This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

This is a 2 year, full-time Academic Level A position, based in the Centre headquarters at the The University of Queensland‘s beautiful St Lucia Campus in Brisbane.

  • Completion or near completion of a #PhD in Business Information Systems, or Technology Management fields
  • Demonstrated expert knowledge and experience in developing information systems or organisation-focused research models and theory
  • A track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals or premiere conferences relevant to information systems, e.g., Basket of Eight journals, ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS, and ACIS.See the full position description and how to apply:

Applications close Monday 9th January 2023.

Expert Opinion Podcast: Creating a skilled workforce in Australia

CIRES Centre Director Professor Shazia Sadiq from the UQ School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering is a fellow of the Academy and joined stephen matchett from the Campus Morning Mail on the Expert Opinion podcast to discuss the Academy’s ideas on the importance of creating a skilled workforce in Australia, and how to address STEM skills shortages.

Read the full report here:

Watch the podcast here.

PhD Scholarship, Curating Systems of Engagement

Applications closed 1 November 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email


PhD Scholarship, Curating Systems of Engagement at Swinburne 

Another great opportunity to join our CIRES PhD cohort! Working with Chief Investigator Paul Scifleet at Swinburne University of Technology and our research partner Astral Consulting. Be part of our exciting interdisciplinary research Centre tackling real data challenges.

Just one week to go – submit your applications! the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) and Swinburne University of Technologyare seeking a highly motivated #PhD student researcher for our “Curating Systems of Engagement” project with research partner, Astral Consulting Pty Ltd.

Based in Melbourne with Chief Investigator Paul Scifleet this #PhD investigates how information from an organisation’s public systems of engagement can be captured and leveraged for advanced information and knowledge management, bringing AI/ML and human-in-the-loop approaches to curating and converting uncontrolled data into valued information assets.

Join a highly innovative team, enabling Australian organisations to achieve responsible, secure, and agile value creation from data with workforce capacity in #datascience, #datamanagement, #machinelearning and #artificialintelligence

We offer a generous scholarship package of $$34,938 per annum (indexed) and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum. Applications close 27th November 2022. To find out more and how to apply: Swinburne, OR LinkedIn, OR Seek,

This PhD research project investigates how information from an organisation’s public systems of engagement can be captured, developed and leveraged as information assets of value, and will contribute to methodologies for improving enterprise information and knowledge management. The research will investigate how organisations can leverage human & AI/ML approaches to curate and incorporate the uncontrolled data accumulating in an organisation’s systems of engagement into its formal systems of record.

In the CIRES program, you will work collaboratively with university and industry partner supervisors who are leading research with real world impact. Your research will build on strong foundations of responsible data management, focusing on curating data at scale and building trusted data relationships. Over the period of your degree, you will also undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner, Astral Consulting Services Pty Ltd, and will collaborate and participate in industry-led projects.

This PhD scholarship is based at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. It is advantageous, but not essential, that applicants have:

  • a background in Information Systems, or Enterprise Information Management, with a computing science or similar technology background
  • a strong interest in technology and the business value of advanced data analytics, AI and machine learning
  • previous experience in business analysis, enterprise architecture and/or working with metadata, taxonomies and Information Architecture

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UQ

Applications closed 17 October 2022.

To register your interest for future opportunities, please email

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to join our CIRES team at UQ. This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to contribute to innovative research developments within the scope of data management and data mining. This position will be based in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) working across multiple projects with industry and government partners, providing a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary teams, research planning, and industry and public sector dynamics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work directly with the Centre’s partners, with an expected third of their time dedicated to working with partner organisations.

Academic Level A, 2 year fixed term position. Applications close Monday 17th October 2022.

Apply Now:

Expert Interviews – Challenges in Data Intensive Domains

Video series which focuses on researchers at The University of Queensland working in data intensive domains with major data challenges. Featuring interviews with Australia’s top scientists including Prof Ian Frazer AC, Translational Research Institute [TRI], Prof Janeen Baxter, Centre Director, Institute for Social Science Research, and Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies.

PhD Scholarships at UQ

Applications closed 6th October 2022.

To register your interest for future PhD scholarship opportunities, please email

Multiple positions available

We are recruiting for some exciting PhD opportunities to join CIRES, based at The University of Queensland, St Lucia campus.

You will have the opportunity to build innovative solutions for responsible and efficient use of data in a variety of application areas including health, education, insurance, and the public sector.

CIRES is currently recruiting for the following projects:

Applications close 6th October 2022. Apply now

UQ Scholarships Page

About the scholarship

  • An ARC Stipend Scholarship, tax exempt and indexed annually, $34,938 per annum and top-up scholarship from $5,000 per annum, for 3.5 years, as well as a minimum $5,000 per annum in project support funds
  • For international students, you will also receive a UQ Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship
  • The opportunity to work at one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions, The University of Queensland
  • Real-world experience as you undertake a one-year (equivalent) placement with the industry partner or government partner
  • The opportunity to be part of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) under the leadership of renowned computer scientist Professor Shazia Sadiq

CIRES is 1!

Happy Birthday to us! Today marks 1 year since we finalised our Collaborative Research Agreement and officially commenced as CIRES. It has been a fantastic first year in the Centre and we’d like to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of all our CIRES colleagues and collaborators. Thank you everyone and looking forward to the next year together!